Smile with Confidence: A Comprehensive Guide to Dental Health and Care

What Is Gum Disease

Gum disease is fairly common, especially mild forms of it. But don’t let the fact that it’s a common oral health problem fool you into thinking it can’t be serious. Like any other form of disease, gum d fact that it’s a common oral health problisease can cause problems for those who have it. If left untreated, it can lead to tooth loss and even loss of the surrounding bones of your jaw that are necessary for supporting your teeth and gums. In addition, because recent studies have shown that oral health is potentially linked to such health problems as heart disease and diabetes, it’s vital that everyone throughout the country be vigilant when it comes to caring for their teeth. Following are some tips on how to properly care for your teeth, gums, and surrounding structures in order to prevent gum disease.

Forms of gum disease

The two main forms of gum disease are gingivitis, which is mild and more common, and periodontitis, which is more severe. Gingivitis often comes with no pain or side effects, but if teeth continue to be neglected, this mild form of gum disease can cause swollen, red, or even bleeding gums. A problem that can stem from gingivitis is that, if there are no symptoms, it can lead to the more serious form of gum disease, periodontitis. This is an inflammatory gum disease that affects the tissues that support and surround the teeth. It causes complications from progressive bone loss and eventually tooth loss. Periodontitis signs and symptoms include chronic bad breath, bright red or purplish gums, swollen or bleeding gums, gum sensitivity and receding gums, spaces between teeth, and loose teeth. This disease can even lead to changes in bite alignment and pus between the teeth and gums.

How to prevent gum disease

The good news about gum disease is that it’s one of the most preventable diseases of the human body. An individual who suffers from the milder form of gum disease, gingivitis, can remedy the situation by following a daily oral hygiene regimen that includes twice-daily brushing at least twice with a fluoride toothpaste to remove plaque caused by bad bacteria; once-daily flossing (or better yet, every time you brush); gargling with an antiseptic mouthwash for extra protection against bacteria; and regular dental checkups to a top dentist twice a year. Regular visits to your family dentist are a vital part of preventing gum disease, especially since your dentist can detect changes in your mouth long before you will notice them due to pain or any other symptoms. Another important component in preventing gum disease is to maintain a nutritious diet that includes all the vitamins and minerals your body needs to stay healthy. Additionally, raw, crunchy vegetables also can help because they aid the cleaning of particles from between your teeth. Another vital step in removing bad bacteria from teeth is to remain properly hydrated throughout the day, especially if you take medications that can cause dry mouth. Saliva works to neutralize bad bacteria that can lead to gingivitis and periodontitis. Finally, cessation of smoking and other bad oral hygiene habits such as eating processed foods that can leave sticky residue on your teeth are recommended by top dentists.

Temporary relief of gum disease symptoms

If you’re suffering from the pain or other symptoms of gum disease, there are a few home remedies that may help until you can schedule an appointment with your family dentist. Green tea can help to detoxify and increase iron and calcium levels that give you some of the nutrients your mouth, gums, and supporting structures need. It’s also vital to avoid drinking sugary beverages, eating sugary foods, and eating gummy, starchy, or processed foods that stick to your teeth.

While it’s true that mild forms of gum disease can lead to more serious complications of the teeth and surrounding structures, it’s also true that preventing gum disease typically is as simple as maintaining a good oral hygiene routine. If you are experiencing any of the warning signs of gum disease, it’s important that you contact a family dentist in your neighborhood in order to have regular cleanings and dental checkups twice a year.