Smile with Confidence: A Comprehensive Guide to Dental Health and Care

Tag: TMJ Syndrome

How to Prevent Teeth Grinding During Sleep

We all have stress-filled days to some extent.  For some, the stress begins the moment their feet hit the floor.  For others, they are fine until they start the morning commute with horrific traffic jams and horns honking the entire time.  There are many high-level executives, who, though they enjoy a powerful position in a company, are subject to stress the entire work day, and after hours as well.

Health Benefits of Braces

Braces have long been used by dental professionals to create beautiful smiles. We know braces are used to help straighten the teeth but there are many other benefits from wearing braces, they are more than aesthetic. Before you get fitted for braces, talk to your dentist about the many other health benefits that are associated with braces. Braces definitely play a major role in enhancing your smile, but they can also be very beneficial in helping achieve wellness and affect your overall health. Here are a few ways braces can offer you a healthier life.

Causes of TMJ

TMJ is the term most people use for it, but TMJ actually refers to the temporomandibular joint, of which there are two, one on either side of the face or, more specifically, the lower jaw. The condition commonly referred to as TMJ is actually TMJ syndrome or TMJ disorder. TMJ disorder is a facial condition that occurs within the temporomandibular joint that causes pain and difficult mobility of the jaw. A patient who suffers from TMJ disorder may have trouble opening their jaw, causing pain, difficulty with eating, and even difficulty with speaking. Good dentists throughout the country recommend various treatment methods for TMJ disorder and the pain and restrictions that can accompany it.