Smile with Confidence: A Comprehensive Guide to Dental Health and Care

dental procedures

Common Dental Questions, dental care questions and answers, dental health tips, cosmetic and restorative dentistry, dental technology, ask a dentist about general dental procedures

All About Stains and Teeth Whitening Services

Originally posted on: Tooth stains are the most common dental imperfection in the appearance of a smile. Fortunately, teeth…

cosmetic dentistry

Ways to Fix a Missing Tooth

“All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth!” It was a popular Christmas song more than 70 years ago, but the sentiment isn’t lost, even today. Having missing teeth, especially in areas that are visible to others, can do a number on your confidence. But it doesn’t have to be that way. Fixing a missing tooth is actually one of the most common dental procedures that family dentists perform on a daily basis. Millions of Americans opt yearly for fixing their missing teeth, restoring both their confidence and their beautiful smiles. So what are your options if you have one or more missing teeth? Is there more than one dental procedure for replacing lost teeth? Here’s information from family dentists in Essex County about the procedures available in dental offices today for repairing missing teeth.