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Facts about Baby Teeth

Naturally, babies are vastly different from adults, and that means that baby teeth aren’t like adult teeth. Just as you wouldn’t treat your infant as you would a toddler, a tween, or a teen, you must realize that you need to approach your baby’s incoming teeth in a different manner. Those little teeth your little one’s mouth is growing come with their own set of requirements. But it doesn’t stop there. Your baby’s mouth and overall oral hygiene also must be handled differently from your own dental routine. The best place to start when it comes to your baby’s new teeth is to learn the facts about those teeth. Following are some important facts about baby teeth from top dentists, as well as practical tips on caring for your baby’s dental health.  If you have more questions about baby teeth or are ready to take your little one to her first dental visit you should contact a family dentist in Essex County.

FACT:  Your little one will get her first tooth when she’s about 4 to 8 months old

You can expect your baby’s first tooth to start coming in between the age of 4 and 8 months. The first thing you want to do is treat it like a wonderful thing in your child’s life. This will help her to be excited about it, and it will help to take some of the edge off the discomfort she may be feeling regarding teething.

FACT:  Baby teeth fall out

Most baby teeth fall out on their own. Remember back to when you were a kid with a loose tooth. Sometimes your tooth fell out on its own, and sometimes you gave it a little nudge. Either way, a baby tooth pretty much knows when it’s time to take a hike and make room for adult teeth.

FACT:  Baby’s mouth needs proper care long before that first tooth comes in

It’s important to care for your baby’s mouth before he gets his first tooth. Wipe his mouth with a soft, clean cloth or clean gauze. (It’s best to do this after every meal.) This helps to not only get rid of bacteria buildup, but it also helps discipline him to get on the path to a regular oral routine. This way, when his baby teeth come in, his teeth and gums will be healthy, which is one of the reasons baby teeth matter, even though they’ll just fall out anyway. Another important reason is that baby teeth lead to the development of adult teeth. They help structures such as the jaw to develop properly. If baby teeth are damaged or decayed, permanent adult teeth will not grow in the way they should.

FACT:  A teething baby is uncomfortable

This may be an understatement, as teething causes your infant, at the very least, discomfort, and at the most, downright pain. Naturally, it can be difficult to distinguish a hungry cry from a thirsty cry or a teething cry. However, if your baby is at the right stage of development for teething, watch his behavior. If he’s putting something in his mouth and gumming it, he’s probably teething. Though it’s still a hotly debated subject whether teething actually causes pain, some of the widely accepted symptoms of teething include irritability and fussiness, gum swelling, gumming behaviors, sleep issues, drooling, facial rash, and food refusal.

FACT:  There are things you can do to ease your teething baby’s discomfort

One of the most effective ways to help ease your baby’s discomfort while he’s teething is with a teething ring. The good news, though, is that if you don’t happen to have a teething ring on hand when your baby is experiencing that teething pain, you can try a number of other objects, including a cold washcloth or even your clean finger rubbed along his gums.

There are even foods that can help you relieve your infant’s teething pain. For instance, applesauce or even plain yogurt can help in these instances. There are also crackers made almost especially for teething babies. Zwieback crackers can be especially effective to help relieve baby’s teething discomfort. IMPORTANT NOTE:  Be extra mindful of your baby as she gums those crackers at this state of her life, as these can cause choking.

Like virtually every other parent since the beginning of time, you sure wish your little one came with his own set of instructions. From head to toe, babies are baffling, and that’s why it’s important to arm yourself with as much factual information about their bodies as possible. Baby teeth aren’t like your tooth, which means you need to learn how to treat those new little teeth. It also means you need to learn as much as possible about caring for your infant’s overall dental hygiene. Teething, loose teeth, baby’s discomfort, and more… these are all things you, as a new parent, need to consider when caring for your baby’s mouth. For more information about baby teeth, teething, and how to care for your child’s oral health, contact a top dentist in Essex County to schedule an appointment.