Smile with Confidence: A Comprehensive Guide to Dental Health and Care

Tag: Diet

Health Benefits of Garlic

Garlic gets a bad rap, unless you are an Italian mama and use it liberally to give robust flavor to your special pasta sauce.  This funny-looking vegetable with its rotund shape, delicate parchment-like skin and appendages that resemble toes, has long been the brunt of cartoons (i.e. two people – one with a discernible breath of air being emitted, the other beating a hasty retreat.

Health Benefits Beyond Belief

Whether you get your daily dose of garlic in the food you eat, or via supplements, be advised that you are improving your health with every dose you ingest.

Garlic Supplements

The method of consuming garlic for health benefits is really a personal preference.  Of course, it is easier to just buy the supplements to ensure you are getting the recommended dosage for optimal health benefits.  The recommended dosages for garlic use are listed below.  Though they are considered “safe doses”, before embarking on any supplement use, check with your doctor to ensure it does not counteract with existing health conditions or prescription/over-the-counter medications you are currently using.  Ask your health practitioner for the recommended dosage, brand, and, if the supplement contains an odor or not.

Suggested Garlic Regimen

What is A Tooth Friendly Diet?

Not only does what you eat effect your gums and teeth by building healthier foundations, but what you eat also helps prevent in tooth decay, cavities and gum disease as well. If you ever wondered about what you should be eating and shouldn’t be eating or what foods are really healthy for your teeth, you’re in luck because there is a whole list below of stuff you should stay away from and stuff you should start to or continue to eat. Of course when you think about the teeth, you probably think of thins automatically like fruits, vegetables and whole grains. But, there are also some really great foods you may not be aware of.