Smile with Confidence: A Comprehensive Guide to Dental Health and Care

Tag: types of toothaches

Types of Toothaches

If you’ve ever had a toothache, you know what a serious obstacle it can be to your life. Anyone who’s never had a toothache probably would consider it to be not such a big deal, but those who’s experienced toothache pain know better. A toothache can cause severe pain that can stop you from doing the things you need to do, and that’s unacceptable. There are a number of varying causes of toothaches, some that are highly preventable, and others that aren’t so preventable. The source of a toothache can be a dental problem such as a cavity or exposed nerve roots. But what most people probably don’t know is that a toothache can also be caused by outside sources, such as ear infections and even sinus problems. The following information will help answer some questions you may have about the causes of toothaches, as well as offer some preventive measures that can be taken to avoid them altogether.